
county commissioner 〔英國〕郡治安法官,〔美國〕縣長。

county corporate

Since his election , the current county commissioner , su chia - chuan , has been vigorously exerting himself on pingtung s be half to sweep away associations with its shady past , and give the people of pingtung a new sense of pride and confidence 黑珍珠黑鮪魚與黑道,曾經并稱屏東三黑。不過現任縣長蘇嘉全當選后勵精圖治,一掃黑道治縣的陰霾,讓屏東人重新活得自信活得驕傲!

The bike path connects the distillery and other historical sites , making this a great area for leisure and recreation in nantou city , said nantou county commissioner lin zong - nan 南投縣縣長林宗男:這個腳踏車道連接我們的酒廠及其他我們的文物,將成為南投市一個很好的休?地方。

Have you been able to identify those payments supposedly made to county commissioner dennever , justin denniver 你能劃分出哪些是支付給議員賈斯廷?丹尼佛的款項嗎?

Aid administrator with the county commissioner in rumbek . ( image courtesy of usaid 在倫拜克,美國國際開發處行政官和郡委員一起。 (圖片由美國國際發展局提供。 )